I work with Remote Sensing and GIS system's cutting edge technologies and advancements. I have hands-on experience with numerous GIS/RS and spatial data handling tools  - QGIS, ArcGIS Products, ESA SNAP, postgreSQL and postGIS, Rstudio and Python. Most of my work involves applying machine learning algorithms for the analysis of various remote sensed images for environment and urban monitoring. Along with these tools, I have experience with lidar point cloud processing using the standard open source Cloud Compare platform. 

Areas of Experience:  

  1. Remote sensing - analyse satellite imageries using AI for the purpose of change detection, mapping land cover land use etc.,
  2. Spatial analysis using relational database platform (postgreSQL and postGIS),
  3. Spatial data visualisation using Rstudio (leaflet and shiny)

Over the years, I have worked with both, GIS projects and environment and sustainability projects. Please refer my blog to see some of my projects.


New interactive web map, designed using shiny and leaflet -> click here

Recent Blog Posts:

About me

My name is Tirtha Gajjar and I'm a Remote Sensing Specialist / GIS Technician

My work is driven by my interests to achieve profound knowledge about Remote Sensing and GIS Systems which can help pave a  path to monitor various aspects of environment and urban regions.

As Carl Sagan said:

"It is the responsibility of scientists never to suppress knowledge, no matter how awkward that knowledge is, no matter how it may bother those in power; we are not smart enough to decide which pieces of knowledge are permissible and which are not."


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